
About me

Welcome to Wild Breath with Shannon Bryson Retreats
Shannon Bryson

Hi! I’m Shannon.

I am a Mom, sister, self-explortion enthusiast, travel junkie, coffee loving, women’s Clarity Coach and Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator.

I have learned, first-hand that working with the breath can change your life. It can unlock peace and inner happiness, dismantle old beliefs, quiet the overthinking mind, build self-confidence, and open the inspiration flood gates!

Wild Breath is my style of teaching, my methodology.

I create powerful opportunities for healing journeys by combining breath, movement, sound & exploration.

Wild Breath provides an opportunity to ask & listen to what your body and spirit need. I have found that the Wild Breath technique allows for so much freedom for your body to uncover, make peace with, and release buried emotions and stuck energy, at your pace.

Being trained and certified in multiple styles of transformational breathwork and being a Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator has really given me a lens of autonomy towards my clients. I give choices, options, information and I allow my client to move as quickly, slowly, gently or powerfully as they feel ready. I guide, hold space, encourage but never force. I encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone, but not past your safety zone.

Wild Breath allows you to find your life’s answers within YOU. You will build trust & clarity in yourself, so you can live a life you love, full of purpose & inspiration.

With my love for travel and play, it's a passion of mine to combine Wild Breath with travel adventures.  Exposing ourselves to different scenery, cultures, people and vibes allows for so much creativity when we are stepping into new chapters or seasons of life. It allows us to get out of our heads and drop into our bodies, our hearts, supporting the participants to create "something new" full of passion and playfulness.

I look forward to breathing and wxploring with you!
